Support the Rattlers

Medicine Hat College is proud to offer an opportunity for you or your organization to support Rattlers Athletics through the Adopt A Rattlers Team program.

The Adopt A Rattlers Team program provides additional support for Rattlers student-athletes to achieve excellence on and off the court, pitch or course. Your donation supports initiatives such as exhibition travel, accommodations, clothing, equipment or other competition-related expenses for the team of your choosing.

By providing exceptional experiences, resources, and opportunities, your donation goes a long way in making MHC a great place for student-athletes to stay, study, and play. Thank you for supporting our commitment to making the Rattlers Athletics program Southeastern Alberta’s teams of choice!


About our Athletes

It can be difficult for many athletes to combine studies, competition, and employment. Rattlers are required to be full-time students which includes 15 – 20 hours in the classroom and additional hours for studying and reading. They train four to five days a week for six months of the academic year, totaling more than 10 hours a week in training time, not including competition and travel. In addition, Rattlers student-athletes are dedicated members of our community, contributing their limited free time for fundraising activities, media events, and community service.

Donating to the Adopt A Rattlers Team program shows your support and recognition of the hard work and commitment Rattlers student-athletes demonstrate on a daily basis.

To make a contribution, click the image below. Complete the form entirely and be sure to select the correct Adopt a Rattlers Team under the “Fund” drop down menu.