Women's Basketball Season Recap 2023-24

Women's Basketball Season Recap 2023-24
With eight rookies and only five returning players, the Rattlers Women's Basketball team fielded a young squad in the 2023-24 season.
The year started off with a promising pre-season including wins over Olds College and Briercrest.  However,  the team's lack of size and experience worked against the MHC women when the regular began in October.  The team was unable to record a Conference win before the Christmas break.
The second semester was much better. The team played together on a more consistent basis, and this was reflected in closer scores in Conference games.  Notably, the team was able to record three wins in the Winter semester.
Off the court, the Rattlers women excelled in the classroom. The team finished the second semester with a 3.53 GPA, the highest among all Rattlers teams.
At the 2023-24 MHC Athletic Awards banquet, the following players received awards:
Rattler (Meaghan Condor) Award - Brynn Bremner
Rookie of the Year - Jaida Gold
Most Valuable Player - Breanna O'Connor
With an outstanding group of recruits signed for the 2024-25 season, the future looks bright for Rattlers Women's Basketball team.